Estimated arrival (Except public holidays)
The estimated delivery date is based on your purchase date, the recipient's location, the seller's processing time and location, and the shipping carrier. Other factors—like placing an order on a weekend or a holiday—may end up pushing the arrival of your item beyond the estimated delivery date. It's our hope that your item gets where it's going as soon as possible, but given the factors involved, this is only an estimate.
Feb 09
Order placed
After you place an order, it will take us 2-5 business days to prepare the item for you.
Feb 11 - Feb 14
Order ships
Your item will be packed for shipping and we will email you a tracking code.
Feb 19 - Feb 25
Estimated to arrive at your doorstep Feb 19 - Feb 25!
M***y –
Fun to put together instructions are very well written. Goes together fast. I bought the Christmas Tree also and it was fun to put together also.
g***r –
Anonymous Shopper –
looks nice and easy to make
L***n –
è un regalo ma so già che sarà molto bello e curato nei dettagli
k***r –
La caja llego intacta, excelente calidad, el producto es hermoso tal cual lo describe
G***m –
Great set. Very stable, detailed, and amazing. Liz makes Minibrick sets, so not LEGO compatible.